Gathering Voices – Building a Musical Toolkit for inspired and connected music making with others.
This course will give us the resources for community music making. Whether in a duo, small group or camp fire setting, we will put together a shared and common song book – working on our harmony abilities and taking the lead.
Imagine being at a campfire, a sing-a-long, a song circle…you get a chance to lead or suggest a song and your mind goes completely…blank! Do you lack song ideas, keep singing the same songs over and over again, would you like to expand your repertoire? This class will work on all of that – introducing a beautiful collection of songs, working out harmonies, giving you tools for more confident music making and inspiring you to gather with other singers and let your voices ring!
This course is the meeting point between choir and sing-a-long. Over 8 months, we will create our own song book and build all kinds of practical musical skills.
Your team of teachers will be Karla Mundy (vocals), Tim Tweedale (ukulele guidance) and Patrick Metzger (guitar guidance).
** You do not have to play an instrument to take this class. It is geared for singers and the ukulele and guitar instruction and tracks are available for us to sing with, learn from and perhaps spark some instrumental dabbling of your own!
Each month will include online content and monthly live singing sessions.
ONLINE COMPONENT (new session added each month and you will have ongoing access even after the course ends)
- Instructional videos of 2-3 new songs – lead and harmonies
- Harmony options and ways to make it your own (in several keys)
- Practice, sing-a-long and instrumental only tracks
- Practical advice and practcie for finding your key and changing the key
- Lyric sheets, chord charts (ukulele & guitar friendly keys)
- A curated & easy to follow Song Book that you can print and bring with you!
- Practical advice on how to gather with other singers and create well-functioning and fun song circles!
One live meet up (in person for those who can in Vancouver – some Covid restrictions may apply) **if you don’t live in Vancouver or can’t make it for any reason, it will also be on Zoom – recorded and posted. Dates and details coming soon..
These sessions will be from Oct 2021-May 2022. You will have ongoing access and can continue learning for months to come.
DATES for live sessions – Sundays 1:30-3:30 pm (Sing in-person or join online)
- Oct 17th (Ukrainian Hall)
- Nov 14th (St James Hall)
- Dec 12th (St James Hall)
- Jan 16th (St James Hall)
- Feb 13th (Pacific Spirit Church**)
- Mar 6th (Pacific Spirit Church**)
- April 10 (St James Hall)
- May 8th (St James Hall)
(In order to attend the live sessions, you will need to show proof of Covid vaccination, wear a mask and complete a Covid pre-screening. The halls are both large and singers will be spaced out to keep us all safe!)
**Pacific Spirit Church is at 2195 West 45th
COST for Course
EARLY BIRD RATE until Sept 15th – $205 + GST
REGULAR COST (Sept 16th onwards) – $230 + GST
*We need a minimum of 50 participants to go forward with the course!